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While working with customers, we’re constantly learning about their needs and managing inquiries that arise. As a result, we’ve included a list of frequently asked questions along with answers in order to provide additional support. If your question isn’t addressed below, get in touch with us and we’ll provide the information you need.
What products and services do you offer?We are a full service, digital dental laboratory. We produce traditional or digital Crown & Bridge Restorations and gladly accept full-mouth reconstruction cases. We also offer : • Dental Implants • Surgical Guides • Orthodontic Appliances • Sleep Apnea Oral Devices • Myofunctional Therapy Appliances Additionaly, we provide other services such as In-Lab Shade Taking and Intraoral Scanning.
How do I send cases to your Lab?Ensure all models are wrapped properly to avoid damage and include Lab Sheets, Impression Trays, Bites, and any other relevant items with the case. Then, simply choose your preferred courier service provider and send your case to : Ortho Tech A-3-3, Vantage, Jalan Desiran Tanjung, 10470 Tanjung Tokong, Penang, Malaysia +60 4 299 8563
What is the best way to send clinical case photos?We accept printed photographs, although digital images are preferred to ensure consistent quality. E-mail is the preferred method of transmission for case photographs and other case information which you can send to Alternatively, you can also choose to send us images through WhatsApp. If necessary, we also happily accept other media such as photo CDs, thumb drives, camera cards, etc.
I have an intra-oral scanner (3Shape Trios, iTero, Cerec, etc...). Can Ortho Tech work from my scanned files to produce any type of restoration and/or model?"Absolutely! We use state-of-the-art digital colour imaging software and equipment to create precision dental restorations. Simply email us your files to As an added bonus, we have been appointed Malaysia's first 3Shape Trios Ready Laboratory. This means, as an official partner of the 3Shape Trios Ready Program ,we accept all TRIOS and other 3Shape scans directly through the TRIOS Inbox.
What is your typical turnaround time?• PFM Crown = 7 working days in the lab (anything less than 7 working days will be considered a Rush Case) • PFM Bridge = 10 working days in the lab (anything less than 10 working days will be considered a Rush Case) • Zirconia Crown = 4 - 7 working days in the lab (anything less than 4 working days will be considered a Rush Case) • PFM Bridge = 7 - 10 working days in the lab (anything less than 7 working days will be considered a Rush Case) • Implant Cases = 10 - 15 working days - varies by manufacturer (anything less than 10 working days may not be feesible to rush but if we are able to, it will be considered a Rush Case) • Digital Diagnostic (single arch) = 4 - 7 working days • Retainers/Night Guards = 3 - 5 working days The above times are general guidelines and exceptions can be made on a case-by-case basis. Days are counted from the time the case arrives in-lab and does not include delivery days. Days are not counted if they fall on a Saturday, Sunday or Public Holidays. Please contact us and we will happy to accommodate rush cases whenever possible.
Do you offer a RUSH service for special cases and is there a fee?Yes, we understand that occasionally there are certain circumstances that require a case be rushed and we try to accommodate those cases to the best of our ability. Because this disrupts the intricate schedule of our normal case flow often times requiring overtime and off-hour time for our technicians to complete, there is a rush fee for these cases and they need to be called in and pre-scheduled before sending to the lab at which time we will quote the cost for the rush.
Do I need to send a bite? Why?Yes, having a bite is a great way for us to verify the articulation also helps us detect distortion, even with triple tray impressions. In cases where we are restoring to the existing occlusion, a habitual or centric occlusion bite is recommended. The bite taken should be specific to the treatment being provided. Please include bites, taken over the preps, with all cases.
When do I need to provide a stump shade?We require a stump shade for porcelain restorations, especially if the stump is very discoloured. This way we can adjust the color according to what is showing through the ceramic.
Are you able to take custom shades at your laboratory?Yes, we welcome any patient to our lab who require customised shade taking services. Patients can expect to spend around 30 minutes with one of our ceramic technicians who will ensure that an accurate shade is taken and that any queries are answered.
How do I make payment?You will receive an invoice with each case that is delivered. A monthly statement detailing previous outstanding balances will also be provided at the end of each month. You can make payments via Electronic Fund Transfers or Cheques. Kindly make all cheques payable to Account Name : ORTHO TECH Account Number : 8881 0258 11057 Bank Branch : AMBANK All payments need to be accompanied by proof of payment and emailed to or WhatsApp to +6 012 - 511 2152. In order to verify the payment, kindly provide the invoice number along with the payment slip.
Do you charge for remakes?On the occasion that a case does need to be returned back to us, we ensure we survery the case accordingly to find where the problem was, who is responsible, and how it can be quickly rectified. Once all this has been determined, it is repaired or remade, and charged or waived accordingly. All remakes are determined on a case by case basis.
If I snore, do I have sleep apnea?"Snoring frequently accompanies sleep apnea but it is not always an indicator of whether this sleep condition is present. However, snoring can indicate that bulky throat tissue could potentially obstruct airways – especially if patients have certain lifestyle factors that contribute to sleep apnea. Fortunately, the treatment we offer for sleep apnea and snoring is the same. By prescribing a custom oral appliance, the diameter of the airway can be widened to prevent the sounds of snoring as well as episodes of apnea. These oral devices are soft and comfortable to wear. They work by positioning the lower jaw slightly forward so that the airway is no longer obstructed.
Is it possible that I have sleep apnea even if I don't snore?Anyone of any age can have sleep apnea. Even though snoring can accompany sleep apnea, it is not always a symptom of this sleep disorder. That's why it is important to have a sleep study conducted to determine if apnea is occurring. We provide take-home sleep study appliance to detect episodes of apnea during sleep. After usage, the appliance will be returned to your dentist and the data collected will be analysed. If sleep apnea is present or if snoring is obstructing one’s quality of life, your dentist will provide treatment recommendations.
What causes sleep apnea?The exact cause of obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) is different for each person. Anyone can develop it, regardless of age or gender. The most common risk factors include: • Being over the age of 40 • Having a large neck (over 17 inches in men, 16 inches for women) • Being overweight – approximately half of OSA sufferers are overweight • Being male – more men than women suffer from OSA • Having a large tongue or small jaw • Enlarged tonsils and adenoids (particularly in children) • Using alcohol or sedatives which relax the muscles in the airway • Nasal obstruction due to a deviated septum or sinus and allergy problems
How effective are sleep apnea oral devices in eliminating snoring?There is a substantial amount of research which confirms that these devices can be used successfully to eliminate or reduce snoring. The custom-made devices can be adjusted over time to achieve optimum results. The overall level of success is about 90%.
What is the difference between a CPAP and a sleep apnea oral device?While CPAP is effective in treating sleep apnea, many people cannot tolerate the discomfort of the mask and the inconvenience and noise of the machine. Therefore a high percentage of users have difficulty or worse, will end up not wearing them. A sleep apnea oral device is a more popular alternative to the CPAP. This device is small, portable, easy to clean, fits more comfortably and can provide similar treatment benefits.
What is involved in getting a sleep apnea oral device?Once the dentist has completed the initial assessment, impressions or moulds of your teeth are taken. The custom made device is made in a specialist dental laboratory. The completed device is then fitted in the next visit, about one month later.
How does the SomnoDent work?The SomnoDent oral sleep appliance treats obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) by advancing the lower jaw which keeps the airways open. The appliance is custom-made to fit your mouth and consists of upper and lower splint that cover your teeth and will be titrated to advance your lower jaw throughout the treatment process. As your jaw moves forward it, in turn, helps open your airway allowing you to breathe easier and sleep more comfortably for longer periods of time, helping you to reach deep, REM sleep.
Is a SomnoDent oral device comfortable?Most patients easily adapt to wearing a SomnoDent oral device at night. After wearing the device for a short period of time it will become part of their routine, and most people will hate to go to sleep without it after they realize how much better they feel in the morning (and how much better their bed partner sleeps as well). Compliance rates for dental sleep therapy are much higher than for other forms of non-surgical treatment of obstructive sleep apnea. In other words, patients are much more likely to use a dental device successfully than any other form of treatment. A recent survery indicated that 90% of SomnoDent patients regularly use their device. Once patients experience better sleep and improved health associated with the use of a dental device, it is rare for someone to stop using it.
Are there side effects or complications from wearing a SomnoDent oral device?As with any medical treatment, there are possible complications or side effects of dental sleep therapy. Considering the well-documented health risks of leaving obstructive sleep apnea (OSA) untreated, most of the side effects or using COAT™ (Continuous Open Airway Therapy) are considered minor. However, most patient’s side effects will subside after the first week or two. The three primary side effects are tooth discomfort, TMJ (jaw joint) or muscular discomfort, and tooth movement or bite changes. Although other minor complications are possible, like salivation changes and dry lips. • Tooth discomfort is the most likely complication of COAT™ (Continuous Open Airway Therapy) but is also generally the least concerning. SomnoDent oral devices can put pressure on the teeth and may cause temporary soreness. If this does occur it can often be easily alleviated by adjustment of the oral device. Research suggests that there is no evidence of long-term tooth discomfort with properly fitted dental sleep devices. • SomnoDent oral devices work by moving the lower jaw forward to open the throat and collapsible airway. Due to this forward positioning of the jaw, there is a risk of TMJ (jaw joint) muscle discomfort. SomnoDent oral devices are adjustable, so each device can be adjusted gradually to help achieve advancement with minimal discomfort. Long-term muscle discomfort is rare. Short term discomfort is usually treated by adjusting the dental device to a more comfortable setting. Certain patients with existing TMJ (jaw joint) problems may not be able to wear dental devices, while other patients with TMJ (jaw joint) problems may actually improve their jaw problems by wearing a dental device. A trained SomonDent sleep dentist will be able to help determine solutions to a patient's discomforts or concerns. • SomnoDent oral devices are custom fit to the patient's mouth and consists of an upper and lower splint that cover the teeth. Due to the devices fit, there are forces exerted on the teeth and on the jaw while wearing a SomnoDent device. These forces can cause teeth to move slightly, or the forces can cause the jaw to be repositioned which can change their bite. There are recommended jaw exercises that can be done for a few minutes each morning after wearing the dental sleep device that will help reset the patient's bite. Despite the above described side effects, however, obstructive sleep apnea may pose serious health risks and should be treated. It disrupts normal sleep patterns, can reduce normal blood oxygen levels, and may result in excessive daytime sleepiness, irregular heartbeat, high blood pressure, heart attack or stroke. Although some changes might be undesirable in certain patients, the effective treatment of a life-threatening disease such as sleep apnea supersedes the maintenance of regular bite. Even if major tooth movements are seen, the discontinuation of oral appliance treatment should occur only if the patient accepts another treatment form, such as a CPAP (Continuous Positive Airway Pressure) device, as directed by a physician.
Can use of these sleep apnea oral devices damage my teeth?Your treating dentist will carefully assess your teeth before getting the device made to avoid difficulties. Custom-made sleep apnea oral devices can theoretically cause teeth to move. Fillings or crowns that are loose or ill fitting can also be dislodged when taking the device in and out of the mouth. Patients who have uncontrolled dental decay or gum disease will be advised to treat these problems before an appliance is made.
How long will I have to use the oral appliance?Obstructive sleep apnea in unlikely to decrease with age; therefore your sleep apnea oral device will probably be a lifelong therapy. However, certain wellness factors such as significant weight loss may improve your symptoms.
How often will the device need to be replaced?The lifespan of the device depends to some extent on the type of appliance made. However, they are made of hard acrylic, so they are very durable. They are typically replaced every 3-5 years depending on wear and tear. If you grind your teeth, you may have a more frequent rate of repair or replacement.
Can’t I just order a sleep appliance off the internet?While there are over-the-counter appliances you can order, keep in mind these are not FDA approved for treating sleep apnea. Additionally, when not fitted properly they may cause unwanted side effects such as jaw problems or excessive tooth movement in the long run.
Which scanners can be bought with TRIOS Care?All scanners and setups in the current TRIOS portfolio will be purchased with TRIOS Care : TRIOS 3 Basic, TRIOS 3, TRIOS 3 Wireless and TRIOS 4.
Is the first year included in purchase of the scanner?Yes. The first year of TRIOS Care will be included in the purchase price of the scanner.
How does 3Shape measure replacement speed?Replacement speed in this context is measured from the time 3Shape approves the need for replacement scanner, until you receive the replacement scanner. The handling time until replacement is approved depends on your availability for troubleshooting support calls from 3Shape as well as the availability of all relevant information.
How do the ‘Academy Points’ work?100 academy points are included with the TRIOS Care subscription every year. You will be able to buy training sessions with the Academy Points on your account. Note that 100 points correspond to, for example, one hour of 1-to-1 training with a 3Shape Academy expert.
Are TRIOS Only customers able to purchase Academy training?Yes. TRIOS Only customers can book training sessions with 3Shape Academy, but will not receive the complimentary points that provides credit on training offered by 3Shape Academy.
I am an existing customer, can I upgrade my current subscription to TRIOS Care?"Yes. This options will be available for you from January 2022. Please contact us to learn more.
If I already have a TRIOS Scanner and decide to buy a new one, will I get access to TRIOS Care?"Yes. But the benefits of TRIOS Care will only apply to the new TRIOS scanner.
Why should I choose Bio Learn?• Quality of training resources • Emphasis on up-to-date, practical and virtual training • Modern training methodology delivered by experienced trainers with extensive international experience
What are the requirements to take your courses? Do I need some basic knowledge to start with?You don’t require any prior knowledge for our basic level 1 courses. Our trainers are very experienced and use special techniques to make it easy to understand and quickly adaptable for the workplace.
What if I cannot attend the training?If you cannot attend the registered training, you can substitute with someone else or ask to attend the next training date. Please inform us about the substitution at least 3 days before the training date.
How does training rescheduling work?Bio Learn reserves the right to cancel or reschedule training at any time due to insufficient participants, trainer unavailability or if the trainer could not attend due to unforeseen circumstances. The cost of the course will be rescheduled.
What methods of payment do you accept?We prefer online transfers but we also accept CDM Cash Transfer, Paypal, Cheque and Cash. For payment by cheque, a processing fee is applied – to avoid processing fees, you are required to bank in the check to our bank and provide us the banking slip. To pay by Cash, please drop by our office.
When is the last day to pay?You should pay as soon as possible to confirm your booking. Full payment should be completed at least 3 days before the booking.
What are clear aligners?To add a new question go to app settings aClear aligners are clear, removable orthodontic devices made of flexible plastic designed to gradually shift your teeth using the gentle application of pressure. Unlike traditional braces, aligners are discrete and easily removed for cleaning and eating. No brackets or wires, and none of the restrictions that come with metal braces.nd press "Manage Questions" button.
How does OrthoAlign work?OrthoAlign is a modern approach to straightening teeth, using a custom-made series of aligners created just for you. The clear aligner trays are made of smooth, comfortable and transparent plastic that you wear over your teeth. Wearing the aligners will gradually and gently shift your teeth into place. OrthoAlign does not use metal brackets and there are no wires to tighten. You just pop in a new set of aligners every two weeks until your treatment is complete.
How does an OrthoAlign treatment straighten teeth?A unique, digital treatment plan will be created, mapping out the exact movements of your teeth. The clear aligners are then fabricated to apply the right amount of pressure and force to the right place at the right time based on the treatment plan. Your doctor will guide you every step of the way to monitor your progress and ensure your aligners fit correctly.
What are OrthoAlign clear aligners made of?OrthoAlign clear aligners are made of thin, transparent, flexible plastic sheets that fit snugly over teeth, making them virtually invisible. They are FDA-approved and contain no BPA, BPS or latex.
How do I know if OrthoAlign is right for me?OrthoAlign is designed to correct minor to moderate alignment, including correcting spacing and crowding between teeth, rotation and minor bite correction. Photos and your digital scan data will provide us the information needed to know if you are a good candidate or not.
How do I start my OrthoAlign treatment?Once you have determined that you are an eligible candidate for OrthoAlign, your doctor will send impressions, models, pictures, scans and other relevant data to our Dental Laboratory. A digital model of your teeth is generated from a scan which is then sent to our orthodontists in Italy where they use advanced softwares to make small, sequential changes in the position of the teeth. A treatment plan will be created based on these movements, conveying the desired results. Once the treatment plan has been approved by both you and your doctor, the aligners are then manufactured to correspond with each stage of the treatment plan so that you can begin your Smile Journey.
What is a Treatment Plan?A Treatment Plan is a proposed 2D plan that also includes a 3D video conveying teeth movements, which is provided by our dental lab and prescribed by our Orthodontists from Italy. You can see before and after positions of your teeth and if you are happy with the smile projection, you can go ahead and proceed with the treatment.
How often should I change my aligner?You should wear each set of aligners for 2 weeks.
Does OrthoAlign clear aligners follow the contour of my gums?No. Our aligners are cut straight across. Unlike some other brands that have scalloped edges (aligner follows actual shape of patient's gum line), the straight-across edge is not only the most comfortable wearing experience, but the extra length also provides more retention which better enables the aligners to grip your teeth and create the gentle force needed to straighten them.
What if I have trouble getting my aligners to fit?Some people may find it difficult at first to get the aligners on the back of their teeth. It takes a bit of practice and getting used to, especially when the aligners are new to you. Be sure to follow the instructions on insertion and removal.
Will there be any restrictions on what I can eat?In general, no. Unlike traditional orthodontics, you can eat and drink whatever you desire because you remove your aligners while eating. So there is no need to restrict your consumption of any of your favorite foods and snacks, unless otherwise instructed by your doctor.
Can I chew gum while wearing aligners?No. Gum will stick to the aligners so we recommend removing your aligners for all meals and snacks, including gum.
Can I drink hot or cold beverages while wearing OrthoAlign?Except for cold water, we recommend that you do not drink while wearing the aligners. This is to prevent staining, formation of cavities, or warping of the aligners with hot beverages.
Can I smoke while wearing my clear aligners?We highly discourage smoking or any tobacco use while wearing clear aligners because it will discolour them, as it does your teeth.
Can I drink alcohol while wearing my aligners?No. You’ll need to remove your aligners if you’re eating or drinking anything other than water.
Can I play high impact sports with my aligners?We suggest that you take them out during high impact sports activities because it can be harmful/painful if something knocks your mouth.
Can I play musical instruments (like a flute) with my aligners?Yes, many people say they can play their instruments even while wearing their aligners. Just like with speaking, it might take a bit of time to get used to playing with them in your mouth, but after that, there will be no issue.
What are the benefits of an OrthoAlign treatment?OrthoAlign aligners are virtually invisible and can straighten teeth without the need for metal brackets or wires that irritate your mouth. They provide a flexible option if you need to remove them to eat and drink, to brush and floss, or for special occasions.
Is OrthoAlign suitable for me? What can OrthoAlign correct?OrthoAlign can be the perfect solution for both teens and adults interested in a virtually invisible treatment to improve their smile. Our innovative system makes it possible to fix most common issues such as straightening and bite issues. See what other types of cases OrthoAlign can treat.
What should I expect during my consultation?During consultation, your doctor will examine your smile and discuss desired ojectives in order to determine the best solution for you. Factors such as cost and length of treatment may also be discussed. Your doctor may also recommend scheduling a dental checkup and cleaning before you begin your OrthoAlign journey to ensure your teeth and gums are in the best condition to avoid unnecessary risks.
What is the treatment process?OrthoAlign treatment starts with a consultation where your doctor will evaluate your smile. A customised digital treatment plan will then be created illustrating the step-by-step transformation of your smile. Once the treatment plan has been approved, your aligners will be fabricated. You will wear each set of aligners for 20 to 22 hours a day, changing to a new set of aligners every 2 weeks, as directed by your doctor. Each set of aligners will gently and gradually shift your teeth into place, according to your treatment plan, until you reach the desired results.
How long will treatment take?Treatment length is dependant on several factors, like case complexity and patient compliance (how often and consistent aligners are worn). Based on your specific needs, your treatment plan will determine treatment duration. Although you can start seeing results in a matter of weeks, average treatment time can vary anywhere between is 6 to 18 months.
What are "bumps" or "attachments" and why would I need them for my OrthoAlign treatment?"Depending on your specific treatment, some of the movements may require “attachments” to help the aligner grip the teeth. Attachments are small tooth-coloured ridges, made of composite, that the doctor affixes to your teeth. These ridges provide anchor points that help to direct the forces of the aligner more effectively and predictably to the tooth. They make complex tooth movements possible without braces. Not everyone will need attachments. If you need them, your doctor will attach them to your teeth at the start of, or during your treatment, and remove them when they are no longer needed.
What if I lose or break an attachment?If an attachment is lost or broken, you should contact your doctor immediately. The attachment will need to be replaced and re-attached as soon as possible to ensure you keep in track with the treatment plan. This will help prevent any discrepencies and chances of refinements.
How many hours per day should I wear my aligners?For the best results, OrthoAlign clear aligners are recommended to be worn for 20 - 22 hours a day, taking them out just for eating, drinking, brushing, and flossing. Of course, special occasions can be aligner free. It is essential to wear them as prescribed; otherwise, it might delay the treatment process. Each aligner stage is worn for 2 weeks, unless instructed otherwise.
Is it a big deal if I don't wear my aligners enough?Yes, it does make a substantial difference. Even though you can take your aligner out whenever you want, you're not doing yourself any favors if you do so without a good reason. • Your treatment can't progress accurately unless your aligners are worn. So if you don't wear them as instructed, your treatment may take longer than planned. • Whatever treatment advances you've made will tend to relapse when your aligners are out. • The amount of relapse that could occur may be great enough that your case deviates off track and a "mid-course correction" (a new set of aligners) will be needed, along with the added expense and delay in treatment.
Is OrthoAlign a painful treatment?OrthoAlign shifts your teeth by applying gentle, constant force, so it is common to feel temporary discomfort for the first few days after fitting new aligners. This soreness should gradually go away a couple of days after starting each new stage. This is common with all orthodontic treatments. Typically, people describe it as feeling “pressure” and it’s normal — it’s a sign your OrthoAlign clear aligners are working.
Will wearing clear aligners affect my speech?Like all orthodontic treatments, the aligners may temporarily affect your speech, and you may have a slight lisp for a day or two. It may take a couple of days for your tongue to get used to having aligners in your mouth. But this will only be temporary and your mouth will quickly adapt, so any lisp or minor speech impediment caused by your aligners should disappear.
My teeth have shifted since having my braces removed. Can OrthoAlign fix this?Yes. OrthoAlign can treat most common teeth-straightening issues. People who have previously had braces can opt for an OrthoAlign treatment as the discrete solution to enhance their smile when they find that their teeth have shifted back.
Can the aligners slip off while I’m asleep?OrthoAlign is designed to fit snugly around your teeth so it is very unlikely that your aligners would ever fall out, no matter what you are doing: sleeping, talking, laughing, etc. So this should not be a cause for concern.
Can I skip ahead to the next set of aligners?Please do not skip ahead under any circumstances. Not only can this cause you discomfort, it can also cause you to deviate from your original treatment plan. This will result in a relapse, at which point a brand new treatement plan will be required. We strongly recommend that you follow the treatment plan provided. If you have concerns about the way your treatment plan is progressing, please consult your doctor.
Aligners feel very tight is this normal?When aligners are first put in, they should feel tight. This is normal and they will begin to feel more comfortable in a very short time.
What should I do if my new aligner doesn’t snap onto my teeth?Minor discrepancies between the current tooth position and the new aligner are normal, since the teeth need time to conform to the new aligner position. In the event of severe problems with aligner fit, inform your doctor.
When I remove my aligners, sometimes my teeth feel loose. Is that normal?"Yes. As your aligners gradually shift your teeth into position, your gums are re-forming around each tooth as it moves.
If I am sick, should I keep wearing my aligners?"Yes, it’s fine to keep wearing them unless you’re severely ill or actively vomiting. If you happen to vomit while wearing your aligners, you should take them out and clean them straight away.
How do i clean my aligners?Instructions will be provided. We recommend using Somtabs cleaning tablets as they are a gentle and thorough cleaning method that is mild, safe and suitable for daily disinfecting. They easily clean even the most difficult, hard-to-reach areas that remove tartar, odors, and prevent dicolouration and bacteria from accumulating. Cleaning your aligners each time your remove them will help to prevent residue build up. If you do not have any cleaning tablets available, aligners can also be cleaned with a soft toothbrush and mild detergent, and then rinsed under cool water. * NEVER USE HOT WATER - it could permanently warp the plastic. * NO TOOTHPASTE - it can be abrasive and scratch the aligner.
How are Aligner Chewies cleaned?Aligner Chewies are easily cleaned with hot water and a mild detergent, then rinsed. To freshen them soak in mouthwash for a few minutes.
How do you store aligners when not in use?Always store the aligners in the case provided, in a cool place. Rinse the aligners well with water and dry thoroughly before returning them to their case .
What should I do if I lose or break an aligner?If you lose or break your aligner, immediately inform your doctor. They will help to ensure you stay on-track with your treatment plan and don't lose progress, which may involve wearing a previous set of aligners, your next set of aligners, or ordering replacements aligners. If you are not able to meet/speak with your doctor, we recommend moving to the next aligner if you have been wearing your current aligner for more than 10 days. If your lost/broken aligner has been worn for less than 10 days, wear the previous aligner until a new one can be made.
I went out of town and forgot to take my aligners with me. Will my aligners still fit?This depends on how long you’ve gone without wearing your aligners. If it’s only been a short time, your aligners should still fit, but they might feel uncomfortable. If it’s been a significant amount of time, talk to your doctor so they can assess the situation accordingly.
What happens after my OrthoAlign treatment is complete?You wear your retainers. This is really important because you want to make sure you keep your teeth in place. For the first two weeks, you’ll need to wear them all the time (except when you eat and drink). After that, you can wear them only while you sleep at night or as recommended by your doctor.
How do I preserve my new smile after treatment?To prevent teeth from gradually shifting back to their initial position, most doctors recommend using a retainer to anyone who has completed orthodontic treatment. Whether with braces or clear aligners, wear your retainers. Every case is different, so it's best to seek advice from your doctor.
What's the best way to submit my application/resume?We are open to receiving applications electronically through our website and email, or you may bring your application/resume in to during our normal working hours.
Will my application be treated confidentially?Yes, we will treat your application with full respect and confidentiality. Initially, one of our recruiters will review your application/resume. If your application/resume is considered for an interview, then the hiring manager for the position will confidentially review your application/resume. If you are not hired for the particular job, your application/resume will remain a part of our recruiting database. If you are selected for a particular job, then your application and personal information will be retained as part of your employee file.
Do you check references?Yes, we may perform an extensive reference check at any point in the recruitment process.
How can I send my application/resume to Ortho Tech?Visit our Careers Page to browse the details of the current positions available. Pick the position of your interest, scroll to the bottom and select Apply Here. You will be directed to a new page where you can fill out a quick application form that will be submitted to us. To maximize your chances of success, we would encourage you to also email your profile/resume to
What is the typical assessment process?Typically, your information will be made available to our recruitment manager. They will compare your skills and experience with the requirements of the position for which you have applied as well as any other open position. You will be contacted if you are selected for consideration/interview. Your information will be maintained in our recruiting database for future consideration as well.
How can I prepare for my interview?You should bring your resume/CV with the correct dates of your previous employment and contact information for your professional references. In addition to your professional work experience, you may list other work in the employment section of your resume, such as freelance work, consulting or volunteering.
Have a question that isn’t covered above? Contact us and we’ll get back to you as soon as we can.
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